Thursday, February 27, 2014

Winter Projects

As we "patiently" wait for spring to arrive, we're still busy in the shop preparing for the upcoming golf season.
We're currently working on a couple of projects, the first one being a new sign for the driving range tee box. Travis has been working on this sign for a couple of days and almost has it completed. The purpose of it is to encourage people to scatter their divots rather than creating one large "hole" in order to speed up recovery time. He's put a lot of thought and time into this sign and I think he's done an outstanding job!

The almost finished product:

Another thing we're working on right now is going through all of our cutting units for our greens, tees, and fairway mowers. We don't have the luxury of being able to sharpen them ourselves; so we have take them all apart, inspect and replace any bad bearings/bushings/rollers and then send them out to be sharpened. Well we just got them back this week, so now we're working on putting them back together and getting them back on the mowers. As you can see, we have quite a few and it takes quite a bit of time. Altogether, we have 40 reels to go through every winter. 

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