Friday, June 12, 2015

The drainage that was installed on 18 fairway last fall seems to be working extremely well. Below is a video of the drainage outlet into the woods north of the entrance road. Carts will be able to go on the fairway this afternoon after nearly 1.5 inches of rain yesterday. 
Mission accomplished!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


It's that time of year again... aeration season is here again.

If  you're out playing this week or next, you'll notice we've been hard at it getting all of the aerification on the course taken care of. Although it can be less than desirable playing conditions for a few days, this is a very important part of having healthy turf. The holes and core removal create for better oxygen/gas exchange in the soil, relieve compaction as well as reduce thatch and organic matter in the soil.

The schedule for this spring's aerification is as follows (weather pending):
April 28 - approaches, collars, and greens surrounds
April 29 - tee boxes
May 5 - greens

Everything is very healthy going into the aerification process, so recovery should be pretty quick.

As always, we can only do this with dry weather. So if rain is in the forecast for one of the scheduled dates, it will be rescheduled.