Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Practice Tee

I love seeing this! This is a perfect picture of how we'd like divots to be taken on the practice tee. Rather than creating one large hole of divots (like on the right side of the picture), divots should be taken in straight lines to speed up the recovery time. That large hole will take a LONG time to completely fill in, while the line of divots should only take a few weeks for that grass to close in . The seed that is in the divot mix is only intended to help fill in those holes, not completely re-grow them. We rely more on the grass surrounding the divots to spread throughout the divot. Thank you to whoever has been following the signs on the practice tee!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cart Traffic

If cart signs or rope/stakes are put up, please obey them. Please do not just drive around them. Cart paths are put around the greens and tees for a reason. It's very common "golf etiquette" to keep carts on the paths when provided. Thank you for your cooperation. 


Getting some new seed in the ground over some high traffic areas yesterday. These areas will be marked with a lot of cart signs and as "Ground Under Repair," please do not drive carts into or hit out of these areas. The new seed should be germinating by as early as Monday of next week and will continue to fill in as the poa is dying out in these areas.

Water Damage

As you all know, we had a LOT of rain in June. With one of the storms, we had a major washout on the dam between 8 tee box and 5 fairway moving one of the tubes 100 yards down stream. On Tuesday afternoon of this week, we finally got it fixed. Thank you very much to the guys from Bentons to get it taken care of, it turned out great!! Below are a few pictures of them replacing the tube and pouring concrete around it to hold it in place better. 

nd it to hold it in place better.